London College Of Style

Certification & Accreditation

Certification & Accreditation

British Accreditation Council

The London College of Style is accredited by the British Accreditation Council. The BAC was established in 1984 to provide a comprehensive quality assurance scheme for independent further and higher education in the UK. d BAC accreditation is recognised the world over by students, agents and government officials as the clearest mark of educational quality in the private education and training sectors. As part of our accreditation, LCS is guided by BAC consultancy in education. The BAC’s guidance is based on unrivalled knowledge and experience in this sector and as well as assuring excellence in education standards, our accreditation is recognised by the UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI), part of the Home Office, as a qualifying requirement for institutions wishing to enrol students on Short-Term Study Visas, as students from outside the EEA will only secure a UK Short-Term Study Visa if they have a genuine offer from an accredited institution. The BAC logo is a Kitemark of excellence, visible on final diploma and certification issues on completion of training.

For more information on the British Accreditation Council, click here.


CPD – Continuing Professional Development

CPD stand for ‘Continuing Professional Development’. LCS online diploma and certificate courses are individually vetted, accredited and certified by the CPS Standards Office. This ensures quality of course content by being externally accredited, but also ensures that qualifications and knowledge is reviewed and kept up-to-date. CPD describes professional up-skills in areas of industry, ensuring that your qualifications are recognised by employers. This means that your course has been independently scrutinised for quality and validity, ensuring that our standards of training meet global CPD standards. This accreditations instills confidence in employers in the quality of and credibility of your training, recognised by global brands, establishments and even other industries.

CPD Points & Secondary Certificates

Each diploma or certificate course will display a number of awarded units in terms of hours. These CPD points or units are recognised by international organisations and brands world wide. The amount of units awarded to your course will be diplayed on the course page, and again on your final certification. For CPD accredited courses you will receive two certificates, one accredited certificate from the London College of Style and a second certificate from the CPD Standards Office, displaying your awarded point. Your CPD accredited certificate from will shows your CPD points.
For more information on the CPD Standard Office, click here.


