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5 Steps to Help You Stick to Your New Years Resolutions

24 Dec by Joe Miller

5 Steps to Help You Stick to Your New Years Resolutions

Here we go! 2019 is almost over and what a year it was! It had its highs and it definitely had its lows.
But life goes on and 2020 feels like a great opportunity to start a fresh new slate.
It’s a great time to set new, exciting resolutions which will turn your dreams into reality. Imagine doing more of whatever makes you excited to get up each morning!

What do they say? Love your job and you’ll never work another day.

However, how many of us actually manage to do what they love WHILE (very importantly) making a decent living out of it? How often do you start a year with new freshly polished resolutions, but then life just gets in the way?!

So today, we’re going to talk about ways you can set your new goals and actually stick to them – making a visible change in your life!

1. Review Your Year

We can’t move forward if we don’t learn from our past. It’s important to take some time and reflect on your 2019. Think about your last year’s goals. What went well? What could you have done better? Express gratitude not only for all the successes you’ve had, but also for all the failures. You’ll learn much more from what didn’t go well, than from things that went smoothly, so don’t be afraid to admit your failures! Instead, write down any life’s lessons you’ve learned this year.

2. Make a New Year’s Resolution

What would you like to achieve this year?  Of course, your resolutions are as individual as you are, but if you’re struggling for inspiration, below is a list that can help you stimulate your imagination!
Pick only 1-3 goals! If you pick more than 3 goals, you might end up spreading yourself too thin, making it more difficult to stick to them.

– Live your dreams
– Exercise more
– Get organised
– Learn a new skill or hobby
– Live life to the fullest
– Make more money
– Quit smoking
– Spend more time with family and friends
– Travel more
– Read more

3. Create a Vision Board

This is my most favourite part! Having visual reminders is incredibly helpful when it comes to sticking to your goals. Find a few images that represent you achieving your goal, print them out and stick them on a vision board. If you’re good with photoshop, you can even photoshop yourself into your new dream house, or onto that tropical island you’ve always wanted to visit. The more real you make your dream, the higher are the chances of you getting there!

If you’re a stylist – maybe print out a photo of a celebrity you’d love to style? If you’re a make up artist, maybe you’d love to launch your own brand of make up? As a photographer, you might want to see your photograph on the cover of VOGUE?

4. Plan Your Year

Ok, now that you’re excited about the new year, it’s time to start planning! Open up your calendar and take a good look. What are the steps you can take to help you get closer to your goal? It might be something like investing in yourself, or creating a new habit. Divide your resolution into 12 steps – each represents a month in 2020.
For example, if you want to become a stylist you might want to start the year with one of London College of Style on campus courses or you could opt for their online course first. That way you’ll set yourself up for success from day 1 of 2020! Then you can add small goals like:

– style a runway show
– assist a celebrity stylist
– set up a website for my styling business
– find a mentor
– meet at least 5 magazine editors
– get my work printed in a magazine
– style a fashion blogger who has over 50k followers
– grow my social media following to 5k

The options for your list are endless! But make sure to choose them wisely – each goal needs to push your career forward or bring you closer to your dream.

5. Add Accountability

This is the final and one of the most important steps! Statistically, 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. Without accountability, it’s very hard to stick to your goals. So how do we introduce it?

– tell your family and friends about your new goals
– write down your monthly goals and review them on the last day of each month!
– book a course which will give you a structure and help you stay disciplined
– give yourself rewards when you manage to achieve your month’s goal on time!
– share your goals with us on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram!

This is it! Good luck and we can’t wait to hear all about your resolutions, so please feel free to share them with us!